As a result of the COVID-19 Restrictions:

We still have our regular church and youth services on Sundays and Wednesdays. There are, however, a few changes in place:

-Face masks are not required to be worn, but anyone may wear them. We have masks available for those who need one, they are next to the bulletins.

-Please try to sit at least 6 feet apart from anyone outside of your own household while anywhere inside the church building.

-Communion and Offering trays will not be passed around. Instead, they will be placed on two separate tables up front. We're asking everyone to please exit your pews to the outside and form two lines to the tables. Families may go to the table together. Pick up your bread and juice cups and return to your seat by using the center aisle. Your used cups will be picked up and disposed of, after church. 

-Anyone that doesn't feel comfortable going up front for communion, may pick up a home communion set next to the bulletins when you come in.

-Your tithes and offerings may be placed in a collection plate at the time of communion.

We will continue Live Streaming our Sunday morning service on our church You Tube Channel only for those who are unable to attend. 

Things to know:

- Internet access is required for all of our streaming methods. The better your internet connection, the better the streaming will be. Our church internet is not the fastest, and you may experience glitches as a result.

- Anyone can access the You Tube Channel, but if you are a subscriber, you will be notified via email of any new uploads or live streams. You can find our You Tube Channel by using the link below.

The You Tube Channel is open to the public and can be viewed by anyone.
This link is for downloading the ZOOM App to your PC or Laptop only. 
(Use your phone's operating system App store, to download to your phone.)

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